
Essential Time Management Strategies and Tips for Work

Time Management Strategies are there since the beginning of the industrialization. So people always had a connection with this phrase ‘time is money’. If you can save time, you can do more work. More work eventually can get you to more money.

So what’s the real deal here. What is this time management? How to management time! You have always known that time is unstoppable. So am I going to speed up my work? Is it possible?

Down here, I tried to summarize 14 techniques to change your working style to an efficient and more professional time saving one.

Table of Contents

Time Management Definition

The definition of time management is not fixed to experts. A study summarised several reports by different Business Gurus over the past years.

They are as follows-


Lakein (1973) summed the time management that involves-

  • The process of determining needs
  • Setting goals to achieve these needs
  • Prioritising and planning tasks required to achieve these goals


Kaufman (1991) suggested that time management strategies to-

  • Assess the relative importance of activities
  • Develop a prioritisation plan of activities

However, some of the experts said, Time Management strategies depend on the procedures to help the individual to achieve his or her desired goals.

In summary the study authors defined Time Management as-

“Behaviours that aim at achieving an effective use of time while performing certain goal-directed activities.”

                                                                                                                                                         -Brigitte J. C. Claessens

Here we are. Time Management is just not some strategies. But your behaviour towards completing the tasks you are assigned.

Time Management Strategies

Your working habits highly depend on how you deal with your tasks. Because at the end of the day, your tasks define your career. Time management strategies are nothing more than some time management tips. It is you who have to set priorities to manage your tasks on time.

Let’s jump to time management techniques-

1. Understand the 4 Ds

Finding out the important task is the most vital factor in time management. Many students, employees, and managers fail to identify which task to do with 100% effort.

Eisenhower Matrix, developed by the named person clicks to the right point for you. This productivity matrix divided tasks into four categories.

Important and Urgent Task: Do
Important but less Urgent Task: Delay/Decide
Less Important but Urgent Task: Delegate
Less Important and less Urgent Task: Delete



You will get a clear idea in this table below-

time management strategies

You must have gotten a clear idea of how to divide your work into categories and work based on importance and urgency.

2. Stop Multitasking

Some people think that multitasking is an effective way of doing works. It may seem to you that the multitasking people are genius. But I’m afraid that’s not right. Eventually, their working capability will collapse within a month.


An employee is engaged in multitasks and on the edge of collapsing

It is scientifically not possible for you to concentrate on multiple tasks at a time. This habit is going to cost you efficiency while trying to be more effective. You can try the Pomodoro Technique to focus on a single work at a time. It lets you do one task for 25 minutes and then switch to another for better efficiency.

So stop multitasking. Instead, concentrate on single work at a time and grab another after completing the task.

3. Stay Away from Interrupting Environment

I am not talking about storms here. A friendly environment can cause distraction in your work. 

Firstly, never allow your gadgets and apps to get harm to your work. These gadgets could be-

  1. Smartphones
  2. Social Media
  3. YouTube and many more; depending on your choice.


Secondly, make a schedule to reply to the emails. Promptly responding the emails can sidetrack you from the regular task. Instead, check your mails per 3 hours and answer for 10 minutes max.

Thirdly, Never engage in trash talks with colleagues in-office hours. It is against any office norm and takes away your valuable time. If you have a good friend in the office who tends to gossip with you in-office time, refuse professionally. A good friend will understand.

Last but not least, Snooze your unnecessary notifications while working. It also put you off work. Yes, I understand, some messages are essential and have to be checked. Try to check in every 3 hours.

“Concentrate all your thought upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.

                                                                                                                                           -Alexander Graham Bell

This is probably one of the most influential of all time management quotes. What do you think?

4. Break-Down Your Work

Marathon work sometimes gets boring along the way of doing. Say, for example, writing a lengthy report or a 3000+ blog can be very tiresome. So break it down into 3-hour session and alter the work to avoid monotony.

Furthermore, break your significant work into many pieces. Now you can use the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritize your work. How about that!

Allot proper time to proper tasks based on your importance and urgency. It will save your time to work efficiently. Additionally, small tasks will not leak time for you.

I suggest you check a Diploma in Practical Time Management and do certified training to become a professional.

5. The OATS Principle and Power House Loop

Outcome, Actions, Times, Schedules; the four pillar for OATS. If you can not track the development of your actions in a timely schedule, then time management will sound funny to you.

Powerhouse loop is also known as the PDCA cycle. It is one of the most effective time management tools. It stands for Plan, Do, Act, Check. Every time you do your work, drop that in this loop to perfect it. In this way, you can save your necessary time from correcting it on other essential times.


6. Find Your Productive Hours

You could be a morning bird or a night owl if you are the man to jump off the bed right after 4 in the morning. It is clear that you give the highest effort to work in the morning session. Working late doesn’t suit you at all.

However, some people like me love to work in mid-night. You may be one of us! We feel that environment of working. You wake up at 10 AM and start the day like a slug but become a cheetah in the night.

So finding your valuable time to work is essential. The productiveness curve will go up if you can find the sweet working hours.

You can join the Practical Time Management course to learn exiting techniques to use your time efficiently.

7. Say ‘No’ While You Can

This may seem a hostile gesture towards your colleague. But this is a professional habit. Instead of saying ‘okay’ to everything, learn to say ‘no’. Let’s give an example of this habit.

Suppose you are working on a project report and have to submit that by tomorrow. You are pretty busy and do not want to join a friendly conversation. A colleague of yours came by and requested to help him in design. What should you do there?

Politely say that you have a high priority task that might harm your reputation or the job if not appropriately submitted. Ask to come later after the report preparation.

Essential Time Management Strategies & Tips for Work

                           When you have a pile of workload, say ‘no’ to your colleague to save time.

That’s it. You don’t even need to say ‘NO’. These techniques are quite simple but do not always come to our mind. Check out how an expert says that.

8. Make a List of Tasks Each Day Ahead

Sounds like a high school nerd? Naaah!

Believe it or not. It is an exceptionally effective way to use your daily time. If your office does not use such a process, then do it personally. Listing your whole day task schedule works like an alarm clock.

Finish a task and tick it as completed. Start a new mission and tick as in progress. Such a habit can always remind you about the fore coming jobs.

Essential Time Management Strategies & Tips for Work


Make a list of your tasks. Use Google sheet or Microsoft excel or any other thing you like. Time management strategies-

This habit will dramatically change the way you finish work. Yes, I agree. Planning out each day on the sheet can be tedious. But it works. You can see the difference with your mates in no time.

9. Plan For The Month and Weeks

This planning is not as scrutinising as daily worklist. Instead, it is a reminder of your future work. Prioritise your whole month work into a Time Management tool and check every month.

The daily task list and the weekly task list are related. You are eventually grabbing your work from the weekly schedule. This is just a planned way to perform everything.

First, see the whole year’s project schedule. Fetch works and put those in your monthly plan. Secondly, fetch pieces from there as well and put them in your weekly schedule. Now break your details in segments and do it daily.

Did you like my plan of action? Check out this course to know more.

10. Time Management Tools

The time management tools are essential if efficiency is a standard for your career. You can not describe Time management importance until you face the lack in it. The following tools are going to help help you-

  • Rescue time 
  • Remember the milk
  • Focus keeper
  • Toggl
  • Focus@will

There are many more apps for Androids, Windows and iOS. You can check out this link to get a thorough idea.

11. Work Like an Athlete

Have you ever seen an athlete training for a race? Or a swimmer trying to improve his/her timing? What do they do to improve their selves?

Essential Time Management

              An employee is using a sand timer to speed up his work. A time management technique

Yes, you are right on point. They use timers to track their improvement, so should you. Set a time goal for your work to finish up. It will improve your time management techniques.

Setting time for your work can push you towards completion in time. This deadline gradually improves your work-ability and provide more results in limited time. 

12. Assign Some Works To Someone Else

If you are facing a heavy workload, delegate some work to your junior or assistant. It is not like giving your work or imposing someone don’t do.

Essential Time Management Strategies & Tips for Work

Eventually, if your assistant or junior employee can come to your position one day then assign them some of your work. It becomes not only an ease to your workload but also a learning opportunity for them.

"If you want to do a few small things right, do it yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate."

Meanwhile, this is a critical time management strategy for PMs and Managers. Above all, they face the most of this delegation disorder if not appropriately distributed. Indeed, it can hamper your work efficiency.

13. Ease Your Body and Mind

The corporate battle is ever going. There will include managers with a lot of pressure on their head. There will be everlasting competition among the brands until the product becomes obsolete.

So find time for your eye to relax, to body to rest, your head to think sweet and your mind to calm. It, in turns, benefit your personal life and professional life. A particular break from a long working period is necessary to speed up the work.

Have a tea or chips, talk to your mom, dad or your wife and children, see the game score for a minute. This is necessary.

14. Nobody Is Perfect

This is a common problem people face at work. If you can not do something on time, don’t blame yourself. No one is perfect. Everybody makes mistakes and has limitations.

Instead, try to improve yourself by setting goals and using techniques. For instance, talk to an experienced colleague to get suggestions.

Closing Note

You surely do not need to follow every tip in any blog regarding time management strategies. It is not possible. But choose any three and try to implement those in your work. Gradually perfect them and look for other techniques.

Time management strategies are necessary to excel in your career. Enrol in this course down below and do a diploma in Practical Time Management.

February 26, 2025

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