Course Highlights
SQL is a programming language for retrieving and managing information stored in the relational database. Our SQL course covers various SQL topics to help you start your database programming.
The SQL Programming course will take you through the fundamental SQL concepts and explain how SQL works. Here, you’ll learn about different SQL tools for data management operations and understand how to install them. Gradually, the course will take you through browsing and filtering data. You’ll understand what a database is and learn about different SQL data types and the various methods for filtering data. Again, you’ll understand how to filter data with logical operators in SQL. The course will also teach you about SQL arithmetic operators and how to concatenate strings in SQL results.
Our SQL Course will also introduce you to different SQL functions. It will teach you about nested queries, casting and data conversion, combination relationships, and SQL joins. The course will also explain DML in SQL and familiarise you with the various DML commands in SQL. Finally, you’ll find a comprehensive SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) guide.
Learning outcome
- Understand the fundamentals of SQL and how to configure tools.
- Browse and filter data efficiently.
- For more complicated queries, use logical operators.
- SQL allows you to perform mathematical computations.
- Use sorting, aliasing, and record limit approaches.
- Handle NULL data by employing DISTINCT and CASE commands.
- Learn complex concepts, including nested queries and data joins.
Why should I take this course?
- Learn SQL from the ground up.
- Develop your data management skills.
- Improve your ability to run complicated data searches.
- Learn SQL functions and operations.
- Increase your chances of getting a job in a data-driven field.
Career Path
- Database Administrator
- Data Analyst
- SQL Developer
- Business Intelligence Analyst
- Data Engineer
- Data Scientist
- Software Developer
- Basic understanding of computers.
- No prior SQL experience is required.
- Access to a computer or digital device with internet connectivity.
Course Curriculum
Tools Used in This Course00:01:00
Download PostgreSQL00:02:00
Install PostgreSQL00:03:00
Download SQLectron00:02:00
Install SQLectron00:01:00
Connect to PostgreSQL – Credentials00:01:00
Connect to PostgreSQL Using SQLectron00:02:00
Import Course Data Using SQLectron00:02:00
FOR WINDOWS 32-BIT USERS: Download, Install, Configure & Import Data00:08:00
Check Imported Data00:06:00
What is a Database?00:01:00
SQL Data Types00:02:00
Finally Some Fun! Extracting Data Based on Requirements00:01:00
Filtering Data using WHERE Keyword00:08:00
Filter Data by Range Using BETWEEN00:03:00
Filter Data by Set of Values Using IN00:03:00
Filter Data by Date00:05:00
More Filtering by Date00:03:00
Another Query Filtering by Date00:01:00
Filter Data by Strings00:04:00
More Filtering by Strings00:05:00
More Filtering by Strings 200:10:00
More Filtering by Strings 300:02:00
How to Ignore Caps when Filtering by String00:04:00
AND Operator00:10:00
OR Operator00:02:00
NOT Operator00:09:00
AND, OR & NOT Operators: Which Has the Highest Priority?00:06:00
Basic Math Operations00:06:00
Modulo Operator00:04:00
Calculate The Net Salary for Employees00:06:00
Filter Data with Math Equations00:03:00
Concatenate Strings with ‘||’ Operator00:06:00
Concatenate Strings with Numbers00:02:00
Give Your Report Fields A Cool Name00:04:00
A Report for Payroll00:07:00
Order Records by Column00:06:00
Order Records by Multiple Columns00:12:00
How Alias Names Cannot Be Used with WHERE00:02:00
LIMIT Record Count Fetched by Your Query00:08:00
Fetch A Field’s Unique Values Using DISTINCT00:03:00
Using DISTINCT Keyword with Multiple Columns00:06:00
What is a NULL Value Anyway?00:05:00
Build More Sophisticated Queries with CASE Statements00:10:00
Your Knowledge So Far Under A Great Test00:09:00
Let Me Introduce You to Functions00:04:00
SUM Function00:04:00
AVG (Average) Function00:04:00
COUNT Function00:07:00
MIN & MAX Functions00:04:00
How To Count Your Field’s Unique Values00:04:00
GROUP BY Clause: Use Functions with Dimensions00:06:00
GROUP BY More Than One Dimension00:05:00
Now For Some Tough Workout00:09:00
Filter By Aggregate Functions with HAVING Clause00:08:00
Character Functions – UPPER, LOWER & INITCAP00:08:00
Character Functions – CONCAT & LENGTH00:10:00
Character Functions – LPAD & RPAD00:13:00
Character Functions – TRIM00:04:00
Character Functions – REPLACE00:09:00
Character Functions – SUBSTR00:10:00
Number Functions – MOD & ROUND00:11:00
Number Functions – TRUNC00:07:00
Selectception: A Select Query inside another Select Query!00:06:00
Auto Data Conversion in SQL00:11:00
Cast Date to Character00:10:00
Cast Number to Character00:09:00
Cast Timestamp to Character00:07:00
Cast Character to Number00:08:00
Cast Character to Date & Timestamp00:09:00
UNION ALL00:02:00
Important Note about Combining Queries00:02:00
Employees & Departments Tables Revised00:03:00
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)00:09:00
Cartesian Join00:09:00
Table Aliases with Joins00:07:00
Why I Don’t Recommend Cartesian Joins00:08:00
Inner Join00:06:00
In-Depth Look into Join Types in SQL00:03:00
Outer Join – Right, Left & Full00:08:00
INSERT a New Record to a Table00:09:00
Insert Without Specifying Column Names00:09:00
UPDATE a Record’s Field Values00:07:00
CAUTION! How an UPDATE Query Can Go Wrong00:04:00
Update a Record Using Single-Row Functions00:04:00
A Good Exercise: Extract Employee’s Email Address00:02:00
Solution: Extract Employee’s Email Address00:13:00
DELETE a Table’s Record00:06:00
Insert Records with Nested Select Queries00:06:00
SQL Data Types Revised00:13:00
Bookstore Data Set: Let’s Move It to Database00:04:00
Create Your First Table!00:08:00
Insert Data to Your New Table00:08:00
Change Column Data Type00:07:00
Rename Column00:04:00
Add a New Column to Table00:04:00
Constraints in SQL00:01:00
Primary Keys00:14:00
NOT NULL Constraint00:05:00
UNIQUE Constraint00:04:00
DEFAULT Constraint00:04:00
Foreign Keys00:08:00
Use Foreign Keys with Joins – Books & Publishers00:06:00
Foreign Keys – Properties00:06:00
Drop Column00:01:00
DROP Table00:01:00
Create a New Table with Select Statement00:05:00
A Trick to Create an Empty Table with Select Statement00:03:00
Insert New Records Using Select Statement00:06:00
Create & Use Schemas00:04:00
Resources – Mastering SQL Programming
Assignment – Mastering SQL Programming
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Duration:10 hours, 37 minutes
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