Course Highlights
The actual workout begins when you believe in yourself, aim for the best and keep working. Our Gym Workout Tutorials For Beginners course will help you gain confidence in achieving your workout goals. This Gym Workout Tutorials For Beginners covers a range of gym workouts to get started and see faster results.
Our comprehensive training will guide you through creating the best gym workout plan to match your schedule and goals. Training with us, you’ll learn how to plan your meals daily and weekly. You’ll understand what supplements to take and which areas to focus on. Next, you’ll learn to take girth measurements to assess body fat and track your progress throughout this program. The course will explain how muscles move and how to develop muscles with exercise. It will also discuss the importance of daily nutrition in exercise performance. You’ll learn about types of foods, meal order, carb cycling and portion size to gain muscle and decrease body fat.
As you progress through the lessons, you’ll learn how to do steady-state cardio, where you maintain the same intensity level throughout the gym workout. The course covers different types of gym workouts, such as full-body workout, upper-body workout, abs workout and back workouts. You’ll find end-to-end procedures for performing lunges, squats, planks, stretchings, deadlifts, etc.
So, enrol now and learn the secrets for higher strength and stability.
Learning outcome
- Learn about the best gym workout plan for muscle gain
- Be able to identify your gym workout goals
- Find a comprehensive guide to meal prepping
- Deepen your understanding of the muscular system
- Learn how to do steady-state cardio
- Identify the types and benefits of whey protein
- Learn the exercises that should be in your workout routine
Course media
Why should I take this course?
- With affordable premium-quality E-learning content, you can learn at your own pace.
- You will receive a completion certificate upon completing the course.
- Internationally recognized Accredited Qualification will boost up your resume.
- You will learn the researched and proven approach adopted by successful people to transform their careers.
- You will be able to incorporate various techniques successfully and understand your customers better.
Career Path
- Physical Trainer
- Gym Instructor
- Fitness Coach
- Gym Manager
- Sports Coach
- Personal Trainer
- Athlete
- No formal qualifications required, anyone from any academic background can take this course.
- Access to a computer or digital device with internet connectivity.
Course Curriculum
What Do I Need00:06:00
Girth Measurements00:08:00
Muscular System00:21:00
Application and Dedication00:04:00
Steady State00:01:00
Whey Protein00:04:00
BCAA – Branch Chain Amino Acids00:04:00
Bench Step-UPS00:02:00
Bench Press00:01:00
Incline Barbell Bench Press00:01:00
Close Grip Barbell Bench Press00:01:00
Incline Barbell Bench Press00:01:00
Bench Dips00:01:00
Dumbbell Reverse Flyes00:01:00
Dumbbell Incline Press00:02:00
Dumbbell Split Squats00:01:00
Dumbbell Incline Flys00:01:00
Dumbbell Pullover00:02:00
One Arm Dumbbell Row00:01:00
Dumbbell Split Squats00:01:00
Lying Leg Curl00:01:00
Preacher Curl00:01:00
Hammer Curls00:01:00
Incline Biceps Curls00:01:00
Concentration Curls00:01:00
Standing Calf Raises00:01:00
Seated Calf Raise00:01:00
Side Plank Raises00:01:00
Hanging Knee Raise00:01:00
Front Plate Raise00:01:00
Seated Lateral Raises00:01:00
Military Press00:01:00
Leg Press00:01:00
Standing Shoulder Press00:01:00
V-bar Tricep Pressdown00:01:00
Barbell Overhead Press00:01:00
Standing Overhead Triceps Press00:01:00
Standing Arnold Press00:01:00
Tricep Dips00:01:00
One Arm Triceps Extension00:01:00
Walking Lunges00:01:00
Side Lunges00:02:00
Barbell Split Lunges00:01:00
Forward Lunges00:01:00
Skull Crushers00:01:00
Cable Crunch00:01:00
Bicycle Crunches00:01:00
Tbar Rows00:01:00
Seated Row00:01:00
Upright Rows00:01:00
Bend Over Barbell Bow00:01:00
Good Mornings00:01:00
Hip Thrusts00:01:00
Leg Extension00:01:00
Straight Arm Pushdown00:01:00
Sumo Squats00:01:00
Jump Squat00:01:00
Front Squat00:02:00
V-bar Pulldown00:01:00
Reverse Grip Pulldowns00:02:00
Side Planks00:01:00
Plank Up/Downs00:01:00
Glute Bridge00:02:00
Ball V-UPS00:01:00
Sumo Deadlifts00:02:00
Face Pulls00:01:00
Mountain Climbers00:01:00
High Knees00:01:00
One Legged Deadlift00:01:00
Back Hyperextensions00:01:00
Jack knife Sit-Up00:01:00
Jump Rope00:01:00
Box Jumps00:01:00
Glute Kickbacks00:01:00
Standing Hip Adduction00:01:00
What is a Pre-Workout Meal00:01:00
How Long Should I Rest?00:01:00
What Can I Do When I Can’t Get to the Gym to Train?00:01:00
What is Active Rest?00:02:00
Should I Drink Alcohol?00:01:00
I See Other People Lifting Alot More Weight00:02:00
Resources – Gym Workout Tutorials For Beginners
Assignment – Gym Workout Tutorials For Beginners
Workbook – Gym Instructor Training
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Duration:2 hours, 37 minutes
Access:1 Year
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